ready for the post pandemic office routine? fight viruses and bacteria at the source!

15.10.2020 10:29 Uhr (CET) |

Erich Keller AG launches Steri-Pac, a UV-C lamp especially designed for our workststions. Steri-Pac eliminates viruses and bacteria at the source: directly at the workplace.

The system is available in two versions. Either as a retrofit kit for our existing Cool-Top in-desk cooling systems or as part of our brand new modular H-COM desk system. Viruses spread by exhalation or coughing are almost completely eliminated with every Steri-Pac cycle. For SARS-CoV-2, for example, reduction rates of up to 99.83 % per pass are achieved. In addition, Steri-Pac is particularly effective against mould spores and bacteria.

Play an active role in the fight against COVID-19 and simultaniously protect both your employees and your company. For further information, please contact us.

For more information click here.

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