showing environmental awareness by reducing carbon footprint in the trading floor and save! is this possible?

02.11.2021 08:28 Uhr (CET) |

Based on a cost study and risk analysis, completed by RDA, a leading New York based M&E Engineering company, in cooperation with Structuretone, the savings and side effects of using Erich Keller’s Cool-Top instead of a conventional cooling system are impressive. The study shows, that over a period of 10 Years almost 1M US$ can be saved over the complete installation and operating costs. After a running time of 15 years, the savings are more than 1.6M US$*. The most important area of savings that has been identified is in power consumption and water usage – which is one of the strengths of Erich Keller’s Cool-Top.

The study is based on a project in New York City – a trading floor with 500 workstations and an office space of 50’000 sq.ft. The Hardware and layout required for achieving the same temperature, air volume etc are listed and identified. The relatively high installation and fit out costs for this New York based project, suggest that in other cities the overall savings can even be higher.

Erich Keller considers the monetary savings as a positive side effect. More importantly:

• The study also shows that the comfort for users is much higher, due to the draught free and reduced noise from the cooling unit, in the working environment.
• Another important learning comes from the risk analysis. The study shows that the risk coming from the water-volume-wise small closed chilled water circuit is minimum, compared to conventional system. Technical equipment is more exposed to leaking coming from other installations in the building than from the closed Cool Top circuit.
• Finally, and for Erich Keller the most important learning coming from the study; Cool-Top installation are environmental friendly. Cool-Top installations do help to reduce carbon footprint.

This fits perfectly with Erich Keller’s mission statement:

“we care about our environment.
We are all aware of our responsibility towards the environ-
ment and act accordingly.“

Interested in getting more details on the research? Please contact us – Contact form – Request for Cool-Top research results

* Savings are real cash-out savings and do not consider:
- hardware replacements after warranty period
- interests on savings
- opportunity costs on savings
- PV on the investment
- financial benefits coming from a lower absenteeism rate as a consequence of employees working in a draught free working environment

The above listed considerations would increase the financial benefits for an organisation exponentially

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