lützelhof, basel city rescue operations center

The Lützelhof building was remodeled to accommodate the new emergency call center of the Basel Fire Department (118) and the ambulance emergency call center of Basel (144). It is now state of the art, also in terms of earthquake safety and protection against NBC incidents. In the new operations center, 35 poly dispatchers, who are as well versed in rescue services as they are in firefighting tasks, answer emergency calls at twelve height-adjustable D-Com workstations. Adjacent to the operations center is a command room that can be divided into two smaller rooms. This is primarily used for dealing with major incidents, but can also be used for meetings, training sessions, etc.

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André Notter

André Notter

International Sales Manager
Languages: German, English

E-Mail: anotter@erichkeller.com

Phone: +41 71 644 88 35